Radical Women is a 5 week deep dive into self enquiry. This is a guided course offering tools and resources that will support you as you journey into a space of honesty, vulnerability and self awareness. Here you choose self responsibility and surrender to create more room for true connection and authentic expression.
This is about self-empowerment, about reclaiming your power as a woman and taking steps towards creating a life that you CHOOSE rather than what is expected of you.
This is about stepping into your most authentic expression by letting go of everything that no longer serves you and creating SPACE for what does.
Over the 5 weeks you will begin to peal the layers back and embody a new way of being, a way that was always there it was just hiding behind years of conditioning and wounds.
As we let go and rediscover our authenticity we find a more powerful and fulfilling way of showing up in the world, that is more aligned with our "true" essence.
Welcome Radical Woman.
Hi, I’m Dani
I am passionate about supporting women to reconnect with their authentic expressions. I believe one of the biggest things society has forgotten is the importance of connection. Connection to ourselves, connection to our community and connection to the environment. Through bringing awareness to these areas I believe we can begin to live life in a way that feels more alive and meaningful, less isolated and lonely. More full of magic!
I am a youth empowerment workshop facilitator, mentor and the Co-Founder of Pollinate, a Non Profit Organisation that supports young women through wholistic workshops and mentoring.
I am the creator and guide of Radical Women, a 5-week online program for women who are ready to choose self responsibility and embody their most authentic expression.